What is a sustainable lifestyle?

Living sustainably is about being aware of one’s consumption and impact on the environment and utilizing natural resources in a waste free way which would allow keeping an ecological balance now and in the future.

Living sustainable is a circle of benefits for yourself and the people around you:

  • It brings good health by consuming more fresh domestic products which also means purchasing from local producers thus boosting the economy and increasing the wealth of the community you live in.
  • Choosing cycling or walking to polluting transport will also boost your health while protecting the environment and insure a cleaner air to bread for yourself, your dear ones and the people around.
  • Creating less waste will allow living in a cleaner environment, save money on recycling and contribute to a future where more investments will be done on product quality than on packaging while our seas and oceans will be kept clean and support ecological cycles which are vital to our existence.
  • Working for a CSR conscientious and active company will insure a healthier and more stable working environment with management which cares not only for profits but also for collective well being and is probable to have a sustained activity for a longer time using the latest technology.

Living sustainable simply means thinking not only at the present moment but also at the future and leave behind us a rich and clean inheritance to the future generations while keeping a clean conscience, a healthy mind and body and strong connections with the community you are part of.


What is Sustainable Living and 15 Easy Ways for Sustainable Living?