Sustainability Reading Club

In November 2021, we started a reading club! Its purpose is twofold:

  1. To create a platform for guided and meaningful discussions pertaining to sustainability.
  2. To bring together like-minded individuals who want to share their insights, but also learn from other sustainability enthusiasts.

This year, we are looking forward to continuing our tradition of hosting lively and casual discussions on books about sustainability! 😀

Document: The Most Important Comic Book on Earth (DK, 2021)
Edited by: Paul Goodenough
Date of meet-up: 19th June 2024
Time of discussion: 19:00 (Central European Time – Prague, Berlin)
Location: online (link will be provided after signing-up)

You do not have to be a RespON volunteer to join the club or any specific discussions. So, if you are interested in signing up to our next meet-up, please feel free to do so here :)

Previous sessions
Sustainability Reading Club VI: 8. 12. 2023
We discussed the economic theory of degrowth, as presented in the 2020’s book Less Is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World, written by Jason Hickel.

Sustainability Reading Club V: 30. 3. 2023
In our first session of the year, we learnt about 100 solutions to Climate Change, as suggested by the non-profit organisation, Project Drawdown. We suggest two reading options: either the original book Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming (2017) , edited by Paul Hawkins or an updated review Drawdown: The Review (2020) that is freely available to read online from the Drawdown’s website.

Sustainability Reading Club IV: 24. 11. 2022
To celebrate our first anniversary session of the Sustainability Reading Club, we held a factual and eye-opening discussion about carbon footprints and the book How Bad are Bananas: the carbon footprint of everything by Mike Berners-Lee.

Sustainability Reading Club III: 21. 07. 2022
As a light summer read in our very first summer session of the Sustainability Reading Club, we examined the short and intriguing, question-and-answer report Climate Change: Evidence & Causes, by the Royal Society and the US National Academy of Sciences.

Note: Session date was postponed to 21st July.

Sustainability Reading Club II: 31. 03. 2022
We were happy to welcome you to the second session of our Reading Club. This time we discussed the book Small is beautiful: economics as if people mattered by Ernst F. Schumacher.

Sustainability Reading Club I: 25. 11. 2021
In the first session of our Reading Club we discussed the book The Nature Fix about diverse positive effects of nature, written by the award-winning author Florence Williams.

If you have any further questions regarding the reading club, or RespON in general, please write to us at